DE MEESTE PLATEN VERKEREN VAN GOED TOT SPLINTERNIEUWE STAAT. HELE LIJST WORDT NIET IN 1X VERKOCHT,DUS JE KAN DE PLATEN UITZOEKEN EN KOPIEREN UIT DE LIJST WAAR JE IN GEINTERESEERT BENT, BIJ VEEL PLATEN STAAT NOG GEEN PRIJS ACHTER, DUS DAT WORDT EVEN OVERLEGGEN MRV 005,Dr. Z-Vago,The Bat Device,Megarave Records,"12""",,1996, MRV 013,Dr. Z-Vago,Russian Roulette,Megarave Records,"12""",,1998, 5 EURO MRV 014,Rotterdam Terror Corps,There's Only One Terror,Megarave Records,"12""",,1997, MRV 019,Dr. Z-Vago,Russian Revolution,Megarave Records,"12""",,1998, 5 EURO MRV 030,Chosen Few Featuring Stoophoor,Doomzday,Megarave Records,"12""",,1999, MRV 034,MarQuiz De Sade,MarQ 1,Megarave Records,"12""",,2000, MRV 038,Rotterdam Terror Corps,Rotter-Mother-Fucking-Terror,Megarave Records,"12""",,2000, MRV 039,DJ Dione,Human Infestation,Megarave Records,"12""",,2001, MRV 049,DJ Dione,2 Damn Hard,Megarave Records,"12""",,2001 MRV 051,Headbanger*,Violator,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002, MRV 052,"Alienator, The",Alien Ressurection,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002, MRV 055,Dione*,Erased From Existence,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002, MRV 056,Dione* vs. Dr. Z-Vago,Raw 2 The Core,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002, MRV 059,"Alienator, The",War Of The Worldz,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002 MRV 061,Dr. Z-Vago,The Bone Breaker,Megarave Records,"12""",,2002, MRV 062,Rotterdam Terror Corps,Preachers Of Doom,Megarave Records,"12""",,2003, MRV 063,Headbanger* & Delirium*,The Exterminators,Megarave Records,"12""",,2003, MRV 064,Dr. Z-Vago vs. DJ Outblast,Seiko Groupie,Megarave Records,"12""",,2003, MRV 072,Headbanger*,Head 2 Head Project,Megarave Records,"12""",,2004, MRV 076,Headbanger* vs. Delirium*,Round 2,Megarave Records,"12""",,2004, MRV 091,Various,Megarave Records Classics - Volume 3,Megarave Records,"12""",,2006, MRV 095,Headbanger*,Baddest Motherfucker,Megarave Records,"2x12""",,2007, MRV 097,Dione*,Floorkillaz Volume 1,Megarave Records,"12""",,2007, MRV 099,Dione*,This Is My House,Megarave Records,"12""",,2007, MRV 100A,Various,Members Of Megarave,Megarave Records,"12""",,2007, MRV 100B,Various,Members Of Megarave,Megarave Records,"12""",,2008, MRV 102,Dione*,Never Lost His Hardcore,Megarave Records,"12""",,2007, MRV 104,Headbanger*,Head To Head Vol. 3,Megarave Records,"2x12""",,2008, MET003,Mark V & Poogie Bear*,Pump Up The Volume EP,Metallix,"12"", EP",,2006, MID 91105,Turntable Terror,Break,Mid-Town Records,"12""",,1991, MID 91110,"Deadkirks, The",Let's Make Some Fucking Noise,Mid-Town Records,"12""",4,1991, MID 91120,"Deadkirks, The",Ten Commandments,Mid-Town Records,"12""",,1992, MID 91146,"Nightraver, The & Magician, The (2)",The Old Style EP,Mid-Town Records,"12"", EP",,1996, MC 001,DJ Wicked,DJ Wicked E.P.,Mindcrash,"12"", EP",,1999, MOK 14,Lenny Dee & Ralphie Dee,Mokum Traxxx,Mokum Records,"12""",,1993, MOK 15,Cookiemunsta,Cook & Curry,Mokum Records,"12""",,1993, MOK 19,"Salami Brothers, The",Wet Salami,Mokum Records,"12""",,1994, MOK 23,Annihilator,I'll Show You My Gun,Mokum Records,"12""",,1994, MOK 29 / DB 1797 6 / EFA 50029 6,Chosen Few,Party! / After Hourz,Mokum Records,"12""",,1994, MOK 47 / DB 1773 6 / EFA 50047 6,Titanium Steel*,Slapback,Mokum Records,"12""",,1995, MOK 102,Irmak,Moscow Maniac,Mokum Records,"12""",,2004, MMI 9087,Joe Inferno,Techno Church,Music Man Records,"12""",,1992, MMI 9317,909 Bass Line,Vol. 2,Music Man Records,"12""",,1992, MMI 9392,Various,The Judgement Day - The Mayday Compilation Vol. III,Music Man Records,2xLP,,1993, MMI 9425,D.J. Hooligan*,B.O.T.T.R.O.P. / Imagination Of House (The Remixes),Music Man Records,"12""",,1993, MT 099,DJ Epitaph,A New Chapter,Mutant,"12""",,1997, 5 EURO Myth 005,DJ Norman & Symastic,Play It Loud,Mythica Records,"12""",,2006, NEO 001,Neophyte,Number One Fan,Neophyte Records,"12""",,1999, NEO 007,Masters Of Ceremony,Hardcore Will Survive,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2000, NEO 008,Various,Neophyte Records Sampler Vol. 1,Neophyte Records,"12"", Pic, Smplr",4,2000, NEO 009,DJ Neophyte & Scott Brown,This One Is For You,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2000, NEO 010,Scott Brown,The Buckfast Experience,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2001, NEO 011,Neophyte,Drugs,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2001, NEO 014,Bodylotion,Neighbourhood Crime,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2002, NEO 017,Masters Of Ceremony,Know Your Enemy,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2002, NEO 019,Tha Playah,Weird Shit,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2003, NEO 022-A,Tha Playah,Fuck.Tha.Fame. (Fragment 1),Neophyte Records,"12""",,2004, NEO 023,DJ Neophyte vs. Evil Activities,One Of These Days,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2004, NEO 024,Evil Activities,Back On Track,Neophyte Records,"2x12""",,2005, NEO 028,Tha Playah,The Rule Of Cool,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2006, NEO 030,Tha Playah,Fuckin' Weird Titties & Clits,Neophyte Records,"12"", Pic",,2006 NEO 031,Hard Creation,Creators Of The Core,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2006 NEO 032,Masters Of Ceremony,Bottoms Up,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2006 NEO 033,Tha Playah,I Call Tha Shots,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2007, NEO 034,DJ Neophyte,Back In My Brain Again,Neophyte Records,"12""",,2007, NM 5,Smash?,Korreckte Atmosphaere,No Mercy Records,"12""",,1994, NM 8,Tschabos,Chikkas,No Mercy Records,"12""",,1997, NM 9,Tschabos,Wir Woll'n Die Tschabos,No Mercy Records,"12""",,1998, NR-002,Noize Suppressor,Hardcore Junky,Noize Records,"12""",,2005 NW 08/09/004,DJ Furax,Over Power / Hard 69 RMX'04,Nord-Way,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO NW 10/07/005,DJ Furax vs. V-Beatz / DJ Seb.B vs. Stecey B.,Rotation / Tiny Toy,Nord-Way,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO Mark V & Poogie Bear - War - Stomp - Happy together - Hands up (kevin halstead). Illigale LP O.G. 1,O.G.s,Paid In Full E.P.,O.G.,"12"", EP",4,1998, OFF 013,Paul Elstak & Firestone Feat. MC Ruffian,A Hardcore State Of Mind,Offensive Records,"12""",,2003, OFF 014,Paul Elstak vs. Adrien,You Wanna Battle,Offensive Records,"12""",,2004, OFF 016,Paul Elstak vs. The Headbanger,A Taste Of Fear,Offensive Records,"12""",,2004 OFF 019,Paul Elstak Feat. Firestone*,One Day We Kill'em All,Offensive Records,"12""",,2004, OFF 022,Paul Elstak & J.D.A.*,Hardcore By Nature,Offensive Records,"12""",,2005, OFF 027,Paul Elstak,Remix Project 3,Offensive Records,"12"", Pic",,2007, OFF 027,Paul Elstak,Remix Project 3,Offensive Records,"12"", Pic",,2007, OFF 029,"Hitmen, The vs. DJ J.D.A. Feat. Number One Sniper, The",We Like It Raw / Fight For Glory,Offensive Records,"12""",,2007, OFF 030,Paul Elstak & J.D.A.*,Offensive Warriors,Offensive Records,"10""",,2007, OFF-SP 001,Various,Offensive Floorkillaz - Volume 1,Offensive Records,"12""",,2004, OFF-SP 002,Paul Elstak,Paul Elstak Presents - Offensive Floorkillaz - Volume 2,Offensive Records,"12""",,2006, OFF-SP 003,Paul Elstak,Offensive Sampler Volume 3,Offensive Records,"12""",,2008, OR 000,DJ Outblast vs. Dr. Z-Vago,Hardcore Zone E.P.,Overload Records,"12"", EP",,2001, OR 001,DJ Partyraiser & T.I.M.*,The Order E.P.,Overload Records,"12"", EP",,2001, OR 002,DJ Endonyx* & Re-Style,Wack Ass MF's,Overload Records,"12""",,2002, OR 004,DJ Partyraiser & DJ T.I.M.*,We All Stand Together,Overload Records,"12""",,2002, PIBL004,DJ Syro,Shocked Phuture,Paint It Black,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO Pendeho 2,Pendeho Mafia / Justice (2),The Pendeho Theme 2002,Pendeho Records,"12""",,2002, 5 EURO PENGO 005,"Beatsquad, The",Miles Of Smiles,Pengo Records,"12""",,1995, PENGO 008,DJ Weirdo & DJ Sim,Pump That Stupid Bass,Pengo Records,"12""",,1995, V-Plain 001,Various,Overload E.P.,Plain House,"12"", EP",,1997, V-Plain 002,Acesone*,Wo Ist Mein Fahrrad E.P.,Plain House,"12"", EP",,1997, V-Plain 004,Syntax Error (3) / DJ Gizmo,Part 1,Plain House,"12""",,1997, PNMX 55,DJ Gizmo & DJ Norman,Bang To The Beat Of The Drums,PN Records,"12""",,2001, PNMX 63M,DJ Outblast vs. DJ Wicked,Master's Symphony,PN Records,"12"", RP",,2008, PNMX 76,DJ Buzz Fuzz*,Murphy's Law,PN Records,"12""",,2004, PNMX 79,Tony Salmonelli,Hey!,PN Records,"12"", RP",,2008, PR 0701,DJ Jordens,Untitled,Point .44 Records,"12""",,1994, PR 0705,Bionic Commanders,Untitled,Point .44 Records,"12""",,1995, PR 0707,DJ Jordens vs. Flamman & Abraxas,Untitled,Point .44 Records,"12""",,1996, PR 0711,Various- The Young Guns-5 Track EP-1996 5 EURO PARMX 005,"Viper, The",Intellectual Kyller,Pont Aeri Records,"12""",,2004 Poosh 1,Interphaze (2),Mindflip E.P.,Poosh,"12"", EP",,1995, Poosh 3,Denztraxx Vol. 1*,The Lost Denz!,Poosh,"12""",,1995, PN5307,Razzle Dazzle Trax,Rattlebrain (Remixes Pt. 1),Pounder,"12""",,2003, PN5308,Razzle Dazzle Trax,Rattlebrain (Remixes Pt. 2),Pounder,"12""",,2004, PMP 002,DJ Delirium Feat. DJ Hypertech,The Skunk E.P.,Praying Mantis Productions,"12"", EP",,1996, PMP 003,DJ Delirium,The Cricket Gets Wicked Again,Praying Mantis Productions,"12""",,1996, PMPE 001,Da Grimreaper & DJ Delirium & Rob Gee,Praying Mantis Power Edition Vol. 1,Praying Mantis Productions,"12""",,1998, PCI 666,Friends Of Django,Fuckin' Revenge !,Pretty Asshole,"12""",,1992, PSYK 001,Psykopunk,Comin From A Lower Level,Psykopunk,"12""",,1996, PSYK 002,Psykopunk,The Real Psyko,Psykopunk,"12""",,1996, PTP 001,DJ Ron (2) & Baby Raw,A Nightmare Anthem,PTP Records,"12""",,2000, 5 EURO PU 104,DJ Yves Meets Chaps & Rolay,Who's Fiction?,Puncher,"12""",,2003 5 EURO PRNL-002,Deathsquad,Purgatory Pleasure,Purgatory Records (Holland),"12""",,1995, 5 EURO PRNL-003,Deathsquad,Purgatory Pleasure II,Purgatory Records (Holland),"12""",,1995, 5 EURO Q 003 / 7006355,Showtek,Seid Ihr Bereid,Q-Dance,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO Q 007 / 7006985,Deepack,Here's Johnny,Q-Dance,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO Q 012 / 7007435,Coldfusion (2) vs. DJ Bountyhunter,Tempo,Q-Dance,"12""",,2003 5 EURO Q 016 / 7007465,DJ Michael,Let's Go / Thunder,Q-Dance,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO Q 017 / 7007535,Deepack vs. Luna*,Kick This Mutha,Q-Dance,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO Q 069 / 7008215,Pavo & Zany,S.E.X.,Q-Dance,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO "Q 026, 7008115",MC Ruffian Meets Deepack,Who's Got The Beatz,"Q-Dance, ID","12""",,2004, 5 EURO RS 9121,Sonic Solution,Quest / Music,R & S Records,"12""",,1991, RS 96100,Joey Beltram,Classics,R & S Records,2xLP,,1996, RNO 001,Chosen Few,Take Me 2 The Top,R.N.O. Records,"12""",,1994, RNO 004,DJ Skorp & Chronotrigger,Untitled,R.N.O. Records,"12""",,1996, RNO 005,Skorpus Ravers vs. Cyntex,Untitled,R.N.O. Records,"12""",,1996, RNO 006,Lady Dana & DJ Skorp vs. Chronotrigger,Booming Track,R.N.O. Records,"12"", EP",,1996, R2-R08,Chicago Zone Featuring Mr Noba,Theme From Chicago Zone & Solar Vision,R2 Records (3),"12""",,2004, 5 EURO R2-R16,Dave-Rik,Jump The Fucker,R2 Records (3),"12""",,2006, 5 EURO ATMR 04,Various,Radioactive Edition Sampler 4,Radioactive Edition,"12"", Smplr",,2007, 5 EURO r909r 12,"Randy & Reactor, The",East Coast West Coast,Randy 909 % Records,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO r909r 13,Mas Destruction,Master Bass,Randy 909 % Records,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO r909r 18,Randy vs. Sick DJ Team,Smart Power,Randy 909 % Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO R 55019,T. Vee,Combiner One,Rave 55,"12""",,1992, RAVE 12TH,Éch Heftag!*,De Haag Hakke !!,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 15TH,DJ Gizmo & Buzz Fuzz,Drummz E.P.,Rave Records,"12"", EP",,1993, RAVE 19TH,"Director, The",Rougher & Tougher,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 23RD,"Falcon, The",Tear You Apart,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 26TH,Rave A Graphixx,There Is No Other,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 27TH,"Undertaker, The",You're Finished,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 28TH,Noisegate,Goddamn' Mind,Rave Records,"12""",,1993 RAVE 29TH,Square Dimensione & Radical Motion,Angry Eyes,Rave Records,"12""",,1993, RAVE 31ST,El Bruto,El Bruto,Rave Records,"12""",,1994 RAVE 34,Various,"Dinosaur Park ""The EP""",Rave Records,"12"", EP",,1994, RAVE 36TH,Mass Hypnosis,DJungle Flow,Rave Records,"12""",,1994, RAVE 38TH,DJ Gizmo,The Second Chapter,Rave Records,"12""",,1994, RAVE 39TH,Cybernaut (2),Tales From The Cyberzone E.P.,Rave Records,"12"", EP",,1994, RAVE 40TH,Wasteland,Live,Rave Records,"12""",,1994, RAVE 42ND,DJ Deaz D.*,Back In Time,Rave Records,"12""",,1994, RAVE 43RD,DJ Buzz Fuzz*,The Happy Hardcore E.P.,Rave Records,"12"", EP",,1994 RAVE 46TH,Mass Hypnosis,Mind Controlling,Rave Records,"12""",,1995, RAVE 47TH,DJ Houseviking*,Happy Heaven,Rave Records,"12""",,1995, RAVE 49TH,"Director, The",Pump Up (The Bass),Rave Records,"12""",,1995, RAVE 52ND,DJ K.2.*,Oblivian E.P.,Rave Records,"12"", EP",,1995, 5 EURO RR 001,Various,Untitled,Ravers Religion,"12""",,1996, REAKTION 10,Q-ic,Be Free,Reaktion,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RM 039,D-Noizer,Friday's Session,Records Mania,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO RM 050D,Attractive,Attraction,Records Mania,"12"", Ora",,2004, 5 EURO RM 054,D-Noizer,One's Again,Records Mania,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO RM 057,X-Panders,Get Off !! M.F.,Records Mania,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO RM 064,D-Noizer,Flip My Hair,Records Mania,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RM 068,D-Noizer aka Ronald-V,Anthology Works Revisited,Records Mania,"12"", Blu",,2007 5 EURO RM 069,D-Noizer aka Ronald-V,Go On Move,Records Mania,"12"", Pic",,2007, 5 EURO RM 073,Masters Of Descency Feat. Xander Coiffeur,Flipped,Records Mania,"12""",,2007 5 EURO RED 120,Various,Bonzai Classix Volume 2,Red Alert,"12""",,1998, RTR02,Lenny Dee-Various,Vienna - Brooklyn Connection,Red Tide Records,"12""",,1995, Renovated 03,"Bad People, The",Distortion E.P.,Renovated,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO RETRO 001,Various,Ruff Hardcore Classics #001,Retro Records,"12""",,2001, RETRO 002,Various,Ruff Hardcore Classics #002,Retro Records,"12""",,2001, RETRO 003,Various,Ruff Hardcore Classics #003,Retro Records,"12""",,2001, REV 001,Omar Santana,Noise Dive,Revolution Records,"12""",,1996, REV 008,DJ De Wit,Bring Me The News,Revolution Records,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO REX 9812001,"Hatcher, The",Untitled,Rex Records (2),"12""",,1998, 5 EURO RR 1001,Rich In Paradise,Volume 2,Riot Row Records,"12"", Blu",,1994, RR 1003,Frank-E & Mars-L,Code Red,Riot Row Records,"12""",,1995, 5 EURO ROT 001,Euromasters,Amsterdam Waar Lech Dat Dan?,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1992, ROT 010,General Noise,Rotterdam Subway,Rotterdam Records,"12"", Etch",,1992, ROT 011,2 Low 4 Zero,Fast E.P.,Rotterdam Records,"12"", EP",,1992 ROT 012,King Dale,Utter,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1992, ROT 014,Morlock,Der Energy (Noise),Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1992, ROT 016,"Agressor, The",I'm Coming,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1993, ROT 018,Bald Terror,Rotterdam,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1993, ROT 018,Bald Terror,Rotterdam,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1993, ROT 022,Neophyte,The Three Amiga's E.P.,Rotterdam Records,"12"", EP",,1993, ROT 023,DJ Rob Featuring MC Joe*,The Beat Is Flown,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1993, ROT 026,Speed Soul Brothers,Retsekets EP,Rotterdam Records,"12"", EP",,1993, ROT 028,Short Circuit,Fuck Me,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1993, ROT 029,Rotterdam Termination Source,Merry X-Mess,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1993, ROT 030,Neophyte,Protracker E.P.,Rotterdam Records,"12"", EP",,1993, ROT 033,Lenny Dee vs. DJ Paul*,Round One,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1994, ROT 035,Euromasters,Hardscore,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1994, ROT 037,King Dale,Fuckface,Rotterdam Records,"12"", Pur",,1994, ROT 039,Armageddon,Sunset Party Slamm,Rotterdam Records,"12"", Red",,1994, ROT 040,DJ Paul Elstak*,Play My Game,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1994, ROT 043,Wicked On Wax,Speed It Up,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1995, ROT 044,Evil Maniax,Psychopath,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1995, ROT 044,Evil Maniax,Psychopath,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1995, ROT 046,DJ Paul Elstak*,Rainbow In The Sky,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1995, ROT 049,DJ Paul Elstak*,Don't Leave Me Alone,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1995, ROT 050,Neophyte,Execute,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 051,DJ Paul*,Power Of The Forze,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 052,DJ Paul Elstak*,The Promised Land,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 053,DJ Rob & MC Joe,The Beat Is Flown (Remixes),Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 055,Too Hostile,No Bullshitting,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1996, ROT 056,Short Circuit,No Experiment,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 059,Old School Terrorists,I'll On A Posse,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 060,DJ Paul Elstak*,Unity,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1996, ROT 061,Euromasters,Alles Naar De Kl--te (Remixes),Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 063,Old School Terrorists,Number 4,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 064,Too Hostile,Pain In The Ass,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 065,Neophyte,None Of Ya Left,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 066,Old School Terrorists,Triple 666,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 067,DJ Paul & The Stunned Guys,Confusion,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 068,Men Of Steel,Pain,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1997, ROT 069,Neophyte vs. Stunned Guys*,Army Of Hardcore,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1998, ROT 070,Old School Terrorists vs. Mixelplix,Terror And Mayhem,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1998, ROT 072,"Headbanger, The",Totally Frustrated,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1999, ROT 073,Evil Activities,The Introduction,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1999, ROT 074,Men Of Steel,The Future Is Ours,Rotterdam Records,"12""",4,1999, ROT 076,"Headbanger, The",The Third Torture,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1999, ROT 077,"Masochist, The vs. DJ Neophyte",The Tunnel,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,1999, ROT 078,"Headbanger, The",Enter The 4th Dimension,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2000, ROT 079,Deathlok Hardcore Team,Borgnetic Lifeforms,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2000, ROT 082,Elite Forces,The Forces Of Hardcore,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2001, ROT 084,Lord Hostile,Shadowbuilder,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2001, ROT 085,Neophyte vs. The Stunned Guys,Nation Of Domination,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2002, ROT 088,DJ Neophyte & MC Ruffian,Muil Houwe,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2002, ROT 089,"DJ Neophyte vs. Viper, The",Got 2 B Original,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2003, ROT 092,Scott Brown Feat. DJ Neophyte,Self Destruction,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2004, ROT 096,Elite Forces,Our World,Rotterdam Records,"12""",,2005, RC003,Various,Rotterdam Remix Project Part 2,Rotterdam Records Classics,"12""",4,1997, ROTSP 01,Inferno Bros.,Slaves To The Rave (Remix),Rotterdam Records Special,"12""",,1997, ROTSP 02,Neophyte,Real Hardcore,Rotterdam Records Special,"12"", Pic",,1998, ROTSP 03,Various,A Nightmare In Rotterdam - The Legend Returns (The Official Anthems),Rotterdam Records Special,"12""",,2004, RTEK.01,Da Tekno Warriors,Da Beat,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1997, RTEK.02,Da Tekno Warriors,Da Game,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1998, RTEK.03,Da Tekno Warriors,Yo!,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1998, RTEK.04,Da Tekno Warriors,He Is My DJ,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1999, RTEK.06,Da Tekno Warriors,Pump Up Da Bass,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1999, RTEK.07,Mark V. & Poogie Bear & Da Warrior,Put Ya Hands Up,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1999, RTEK.08,Da Tekno Warriors,Da Beat II,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,1999, RTEK.10,Da Bootleggers,Bitches & Ho's,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2005, RTEK.11,Da Emperor,Bitch Fuck Pussy,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2005, RTEK.12,Da Hustlerz,Dance Till I Drop,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO RTEK.13,Da Emperor,Work That Shit,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RTEK.14,Da Hustlerz,Just Can't Stop,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RTEK.15,Da Goodfellaz,Da Panic,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RTEK.16,Da Emperor,Don't Stop,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2007 5 EURO RTEK.18,Da X.,Level Jump,Rotterdam Tekno,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO RTC 005,Rotterdam Terror Corps,Special Series - The Classics,Rotterdam Terror Corps,"2x12""",5,2005, RTC 006,Rotterdam Terror Corps,Special Series - The Classics,Rotterdam Terror Corps,"2x12""",,2008, RR001,Dr. Rude (2),Musical Mezz,Rude Records (3),"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RR002,Dr. Rude (2),Jump It Up Yo,Rude Records (3),"12""",,2006, 5 EURO RR004,Dr. Rude (2) Meets Lobotomy Inc.*,Jumpin' Electronics,Rude Records (3),"12""",,2007, 5 EURO RB001,Lenny Dee & Rob Gee,Spontaneous Combustion,Ruff Beats Records,"12""",,1994, RB002,Lenny Dee & DJ Cirillo*,Untitled,Ruff Beats Records,"12""",4,1995, RB004,Buzz Fuzz & Rob Gee,Geeviz & Buzzhead,Ruff Beats Records,"12""",,1995 Sorl-RNC 011,D'Spyre / Vanugenth The 5th,No Death Comes From The Inside,Ruffneck Classic,"12""",,2004, RUF 008-5,Wedlock,I'm The Fuck You Man!,Ruffneck Records,"12""",,1994, RUF 008-5,Wedlock,I'm The Fuck You Man!,Ruffneck Records,"12"", Whi",,1994, RUF 011-5,Wedlock,Acid Rain,Ruffneck Records,"12"", RP",,1994, RUF 014-5,Juggernaut,Don't Fuck With A Ruffneck,Ruffneck Records,"12""",,1994, RUF 021-5,Various,Special Series III - Happy Edition,Ruffneck Records,"12"", Whi",,1994, RUF 041-5,Various,Special Series Part VI - The Lost Trexx,Ruffneck Records,"12""",,1996, RUF 042-5,Juggernaut,Got 2B A Ruffneck !,Ruffneck Records,"12""",,1996, RUF 048-5,Knightvision,The Search For Mariuhana !,Ruffneck Records,"12""",,1997 RAID 527,Various,Hardcore Cheddar - The Dutch Masters Volume Two,(Alleen Kant A+B de beste van de 2 lps) Rumour Records,2xLP,,1995 SAMU 001,DJ Isaac,We Like Marihuana,Samurai Records,"12""",4,1996, SAMU 001,DJ Isaac,We Like Marihuana,Samurai Records,"12""",4,1996, SAMU 002,"Dark Raver, The",Let It Roll,Samurai Records,"12""",,1996, SAMU 006,"Viper, The",The Beat,Samurai Records,"12""",,1996, SAMU 007,Flamman & Abraxas Feat. MC Remsy,Good To Go,Samurai Records,"12""",,1995, SAMU 008,DJ Isaac vs. DJ The Viper*,Back Again,Samurai Records,"12""",,1997, SAMU 015,C.J. D*,Cocaine,Samurai Records,"12""",,1997, SAMU 017,Da Hustlers,Time Limitations,Samurai Records,"12""",,1998, SNM 010493.12,B.B. Bell,Drug Lab,Say No More,"12""",,1993 SNM 120494.25,S.W.A.T. II* / Pascal (4),The Tree / The Fly Is Dead,Say No More,"12""",,1994, SNM 150293-9,S.V.E.N.,II,Say No More,"12""",,1993, SNM 150393.11,Krid Snero,III,Say No More,"12""",,1993, SNM 161093.16,U 4 EA*,Rave Injection / Animal Rave,Say No More,"12""",,1993, SNM 290593.14,Krid Snero,IV,Say No More,"12""",,1993, SNM 42,Krid Snero,White Line 1996 Remixes,Say No More,"12""",,1996, SCANTRAXX 001,Taq 9,Slavez,Scantraxx,"12""",,2002 5 EURO SCANTRAXX 005,DJ Duro,Just Begun,Scantraxx,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO SCANTRAXX 006,Hardheadz,Showtime! / In Yer Phaze,Scantraxx,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO SCANTRAXX 014,"DJ Duro & Prophet, The",Shizzle My Dizzle,Scantraxx,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SCANTRAXX 018,Supaboyz,Master Flat,Scantraxx,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SCANTRAXX 022,DJ Duro,Cocaine Motherfucker The Rmxz,Scantraxx,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SCSP 007,DJ Duro,Psycho,Scantraxx Specials,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SCSP 009,A-Lusion vs. DJ Nightkiller,More Action / Bring The Newz,Scantraxx Specials,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO SCANTRAXXL 002,"Masochist, The",Kill The Rmx / LDMF,ScantraXXL,"12"", Red",,2005, SCREW 8,DJ Psycho,Techno-Ology EP,Screwdriver Records,"12"", EP",,1995, SW 92 012,Tellurians*,Spirit Of Adventure (The Remix E.P.),See Saw,"12"", EP",,1992, SMC 006,"Beholder, The Feat. Max* & Mike*",Beating Of The Drumz,Seismic Records (2),"12""",,2001, 5 EURO SMC 008,"Beholder, The",Testing,Seismic Records (2),"12""",,2002, 5 EURO SMC 011,Zero Vision,Overdrive,Seismic Records (2),"12""",,2003 5 EURO SMC 012,DJ Zemtec,Kick It!,Seismic Records (2),"12""",,2003, 5 EURO SMC 014,DJ Rob,Boy's Interface (The Remixes),Seismic Records (2),"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SLAN 005,Various,Shadowlands Rave E.P. - The Flashback,Shadowlands Records,"12"", EP",,1997, SR 001,Various,Shadowlands Rave EP,Shadowlands Records,"12"", EP",,1996, V_SHARK 001,Boom Terrorism,The Return,Shark Records,"12""",,1997 SH-9991,"Speed Freak, The",Destruction By Speed,Shockwave Recordings,2xLP,,1994 Shoop 5,Dance Overdose,Chemically Insane / Overdose Stomp,Shoop!,"12""",,1993, Sigma 076,"555 vs. Dominator, The (2)",Pulse,Sigma Records,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO Sigma 085,Nitro Man,Rhapsody In Hell,Sigma Records,"12""",,2004 5 EURO Sigma 124,Generation Zero,Extreme,Sigma Records,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO SIMSTIM 003,Simstim,One 100 & Two 100,Simstim,"12""",4,1994, SIMSTIM 004,Simstim,Experiënce,Simstim,"12""",4,1994, SINEW 001,DJ Wicked & Forcer,Death,Sine Waves Productions,"12""",,2000, 5 EURO SL 002HS,Franky SL,Throw The Madness,SL Music Productions,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SLP 001,Dutch Verg,Bestial E.P.,SLP Productions,"12"", EP",,1995, SOLX 001,DJ Gigi,Project: Destination,Solution-X Records,"12""",,2004 5 EURO SOLX 003,DJ Gigi & Da Thrill,The Audio Alliance,Solution-X Records,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SOLXSP001,Solution-X,Psychological Steps,Solution-X Records,"7"", Ltd",,2004, 5 EURO SOLXSP002,Fear Section & DJ Gigi,Psychological Steps 2,Solution-X Records,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SPR004,A-Drive / Exonime,"Sex, Drugs And House / Get On In",Special Records (2),"12""",,2007, 5 EURO SQUARE 001,DJ Ruthless,Remote Control,Square Beats,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SQUARE 002,Ruthless & Vorwerk,Wake Up / Jump Up,Square Beats,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO SQUARE 003,Ruthless & Vorwerk,I Feel Like Dancin' (Remixes),Square Beats,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SQUARE 005,GJ Warez,Popcorn,Square Beats,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SQUARE 006,Ruthless & Vorwerk,Not This Record,Square Beats,"12""",,2005 5 EURO SQUARE 007,Bassdrum Project,Phunkee,Square Beats,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SQUARE 013,Ruthless & Vorwerk,Splendid,Square Beats,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO ST28 006,DJ Syro,Shiney Disco Balls,State 28 Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO ST28 007,DJ Syro,This Way I Get There,State 28 Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO ST28 008,Mindhacker,Punk Motherf*ck,State 28 Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO ST28 009,DJ Syro,M.F. Your Style,State 28 Records,"12"", Blu",,2006, 5 EURO ST28 010,Marc Stevens & Tim-E,Blow The Spot E.P.,State 28 Records,"12"", EP, Yel",,2007, 5 EURO STR 17,Speedy J,Face The Future EP,Stealth Records,"12"", EP",,1991, STR13798,Space Trax,Atomik Playboy '98,Stealth Records,"12""",,1998, 5 EURO SWL 9036,D.J. Ricci & MC Hair*,Hardtraxx,Steel Wheel,"12""",,1995, 5 EURO SWL 9040,Various,Steel Wheel EP,Steel Wheel,"12""",,1995, 7.5 EURO ST 4303,Sturgeon,Blow Your Mind,Stomper,"12""",,2001, 5 EURO SO0316,Luna*,Bring That Shit Back,StraightOn Recordings,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO SJ001,DJ Yves Meets Meadow Inferno & D-Tune,Hit It / Party Started,Strictly Jump Records,"12""",,2004, 6.5 EURO SJ002,Meadow Inferno & D-Tune,Massive Innerdrive,Strictly Jump Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SJ006,Fosforic,Label Evidence / Pump That,Strictly Jump Records,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO STU001,Stuka DJ(buzz fuzz),Guapa / Da Freaxxx,Stuka Recordings,"12""",,2003, 6.5 EURO STU003,Stuka DJ(buzz fuzz),People I Know / Galactic Orgazmz,Stuka Recordings,"12""",,2004, 6.5 EURO SS-13,T.urbulence* 'N' T.errorists*,Demolition Party,Super Special Corp.,"12""",,1994, SPK 002-5,"Pitcher, The",Pump It Loud !!,Superplastik,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO SPK 009-5,Raine,Dominating / Fresh,Superplastik,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SPK 010-5,DJ Tony (2),Robin's Attack / Impego,Superplastik,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SPK 012-5,Raine,Buzzclick / Chap-E-Rolet,Superplastik,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SPK 013-5,Major Bryce & Eddy Kin,Spider / Baby 4,Superplastik,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO SIN 8-5,Endymion,Mind And Body As One,Supreme Intelligence,"12""",,2000, SYNCH 001,ACL Team,Whoopz,Synchronize Records,"12""",,2006 5 EURO SYS-X 11,Alpha Twins vs. Seizure (2),Drop The Beats Out,Sys-X Records,"12"", Whi",,2006, 5 EURO TR001,Attic & Cartel* Feat. Da Mouth Of Madness*,Enter Ghosttown,Target Records,"12""",,2006, TL 001,DJ Noizer*,Move Those Feet,Techland,"12""",,1999, TT 01,Nightraver*,We Are From Rotterdam,Terror Traxx,"12"", Blu",,1994, TT 02,Too Fast For Mellow,In My House,Terror Traxx,"12" TT 06,E-Wax,Music Maestro,Terror Traxx,"12"", Cle",4,1994, TT 07,Two Terrorists,Jurassick Terror E.P.,Terror Traxx,"12"", EP, Gre",,1994, TT 07,Two Terrorists,Jurassick Terror E.P.,Terror Traxx,"12"", Bro",5,1994 TT 10,Too Fast For Mellow,Work That Mutha Fucka,Terror Traxx,"12"", Red",4,1994 TT 13,Scum,Your Gun,Terror Traxx,"12"", Blu",,1994 TT 14,Bodylotion,Bodylotion II,Terror Traxx,"12"", Bro",,1994, TT 16,Frankfurt Terror Corp.,Steal It & Deal It E.P.,Terror Traxx,"12"", EP, Blu",,1994, TT 17,Darrien Kelly & Scott Brown,Koppensneller E.P.,Terror Traxx,"12"", EP, Blu",,1994, TT 19,Stunned Guys*,Love Really Sucks E.P.,Terror Traxx,"12"", EP, Ora",,1995, TT 20,Too Fast For Mellow,M.F. Bass In Your Face,Terror Traxx,"12"", Gre",,1995, TT 21,DJ Bass-D & DJ King Matthew*,Let's Get Fresh,Terror Traxx,"12"", Gre",5,1995, TT 22,G-Force (3),Out There,Terror Traxx,"12"", Red",5,1995, TT 26,Omar Santana,"Omar, Rip It Up",Terror Traxx,"12""",,1996, TT 32,Urban Menace,Masters Of Disaster,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1996, TT 33,Sanctuary,Power To The People,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1996, 5 EURO TT 34,Darrien Kelly vs. Bass-D & King Matthew,Put Ya Hands Up,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1996, TT 35,Chaos Inc.,The Power,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1997, TT 40,Chaos Inc.,Blow Your Mind,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1997, TT 45,Boom Service,This Is Hell,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1998, TT 47,Chaos Inc.,Dark Power,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1998, TT 48,DJ Vortex (2),Legion Of The Lost,Terror Traxx,"12""",,1999, TEST L. 001,"Prophet, The",I Like It Loud,Test Crash Limited,"12"",1996, Test 001,"Prophet, The",Housetime!,Test Crash Records,"12""",,1995 Test 003,"Prophet, The & DJ Delirium",We ? 2 Party,Test Crash Records,"12""",,1995, Test 005,Creasemaster & Slamdog,What's Next,Test Crash Records,"12""",4,1996, Test 008,"Controllers, The",Testcrashin',Test Crash Records,"12""",,1996, Test 009,Creasemaster & Slamdog,Big OL' Booty EP,Test Crash Records,"12"", EP",,1996, Test 010,Jee Beat Squad,Semzer Sounds & Neurobengel Noise,Test Crash Records,"12""",,1997, TF 650 00 47,Plexus,Cactus Rhythm,TF Productions,"12""",,1997, T3RDM 0063,Various,Demolition Part 4,The Third Movement,"12"", Smplr",,2004, T3RDM 0122,Promo,Gold Series 1,The Third Movement,"12"", Gol",,2007, T3RDM 0125,T-Junction & Osiris (3),Livin' The Hard Life,The Third Movement,"12""",,2007, T3RDM 0135,Promo & MC Drokz* / 3 Steps Ahead,Thunderdome 2007 Anthem / Remember Remixes,The Third Movement,"12""",,2007, T3RDM-00003,Beastmachines / DJ Promo*,Whiplash / Phreak Ya Speaka,The Third Movement,"12""",,2001, T3RDM-00024,Lady Dana / Promo,Ladies First / I Hear Ya Comin',The Third Movement,"12""",,2002, T3RDM-00025,DJ Vince / DJ Adrien,Lyin' Through Your Teeth / No Competition,The Third Movement,"12""",,2002, T3RDM-00027,D-Passion / T-Junction,Untitled,The Third Movement,"12""",,2002, T3RDM-00040,Osiris (3),Destroy All Humans,The Third Movement,"12""",,2003, TD 001,Various,Thunderdome 2006,Thunderdome Records,"12""",,2006, TIT 015,DJ Gizmo & DJ Norman,Power 2 Da People,Tindy Tunes,"12""",,2003, TIT 018,DJ Gizmo & DJ Norman,Gangsters,Tindy Tunes,"12""",,2004, TTJ 001,Antonio & Cristiano,Jumproject,Titanic Jump,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO TTJ 002,Antonio & Cristiano Present Gee & Dee,Return To A Classic,Titanic Jump,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TTJ 008,Photonic (2),Cayenna / El Tabasco,Titanic Jump,"12""",,2008 5 EURO TOMB-002,Hard Bitches,Jumpin' Egg,Tomb Records,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TH 004,DJ Bike / Noize Suppressor,Bike's Drum / Redroom,Total Hardcore Records,"12""",,2002, TR 1903,Various,Total Recall Ltd 1,Total Recall (2),"12" TR 1904,Various,Total Recall Ltd 2,Total Recall (2),"12" TM 023,Various,Italian Hard Beats Vol. 1,Trance Mission,"12""",,1992 Trash 601-5,Fourtrezz,Untitled,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1994, Trash 605-5,Enfusia,Roll With The Flavour,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1994, 5 EURO Trash 606-5,"Garbage Man, The",(dj delirium) The Garbage Man 1,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1994, Trash 607-5,Brutal DeLuxe,The Ultimate,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1994, 5 EURO Trash 608-5,Power Supply,Set Me Free,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1994, Trash 609-5,Da Joker,In The Ghetto,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1995, 5 EURO Trash 610-5,Various,Members Of Trashcan - Take Out The Motherfuckin' Garbage Volume 1 (Special Remix Edition),Trashcan Records,"12""",,1995 Trash 610-5,Various,Members Of Trashcan - Take Out The Motherfuckin' Garbage Volume 1 (Special Remix Edition),Trashcan Records,"12""",,1995, Trash 612-5,Hard Target,Knights Of Hardcore,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1995, Trash 613-5,DJ Maikel,Clear Sonar,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1995, Trash 617-5,Global Hardcore Source,Rave Traxx E.P.,Trashcan Records,"12"", EP",,1996, 5 EURO Trash 618-5,DJ Yves & DJ Maikel,Combat EP,Trashcan Records,"12"", EP",,1996 Trash 621-5,Nightbreed,Graveyard Traxx,Trashcan Records,"12""",,1996, TRAX 0031,Art Of Fighters vs. Nico E Tetta,Shotgun,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2001, TRAX 0036,Tommyknocker,T-2002,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2002, TRAX 0041,Tommyknocker,Showtime,Traxtorm Records,"12"", RP",,2003, TRAX 0044,Art Of Fighters vs. Nico & Tetta*,I Became Hardcore,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2003, TRAX 0044,Art Of Fighters vs. Nico & Tetta*,I Became Hardcore,Traxtorm Records,"12"", RP",,2004, TRAX 0048,Tommyknocker,Revolution,Traxtorm Records,"12"", RP",,2005, TRAX 0049,"Viper, The & Tommyknocker Feat. MC Da Mouth Of Madness*",The Prophecy Unfolds,Traxtorm Records,"12"", RP",,2004, TRAX 0051,Nuclear Device,I'm A Killah,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2004, TRAX 0068,Tommyknocker,Learn From The Pain,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2007, TRAX 0070,DJ Mad Dog & Noize Suppressor,Fire,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2007, TRAX 0072,Amnesys,Worldwide Crisis,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,2008, TRAX 9602,Wasting Program,Dirty Puppets,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,1996 TRAX 9704,Various,Hardcore Selecta,Traxtorm Records,"2x12""",,1997, TRAX 9705,Baba Nation,Paranoia,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,1997, TRAX 9808,Impulse Factory,Old School Man,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,1998, TRAX 9810,"Stunned Guys, The",Element 1,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,1998, TRAX 9914,"Stunned Guys, The & DJ Paul*",Thrillseeka,Traxtorm Records,"12""",,1999, TRSE 02,"Reactor, The",Vae Victis,Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition,"10"", Yel",,1997, TREM 001,Nightraver*,So,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO TREM 004,"Ultimate Seduction, The",The Ultimate Seduction 2004,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO TREM 006,Marlon S vs. DJ Mars,Bad Boyz E.P.,Tremble Tracks,"12"", EP",,2004, 5 EURO TREM 007,DJ Noizer* & Mr. Protest,Rock The Place,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2005 5 EURO TREM 007,DJ Noizer* & Mr. Protest,Rock The Place,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TREM 008,Bad Boyz,Clap Ya Hands,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TREM 009,Lock 'N Load,Blow Ya Mind (Jump Remixes),Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TREM 010,Bad Boyz,Jump Up!,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2005, 5 EURO TREM 011,Marlon S vs. DJ Mars,No Signal,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO TREM 012,Digital Punk,"Push Em Up, Get Em Up",Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO TREM 015,Bad Boyz,The Remix Project,Tremble Tracks,"12"", Pic",,2006, 5 EURO TREM 016,DJ Genius,The Joker,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO TREM 017,Digital Punk,The Punk Soul Brother,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO TREM 021,Defekt (3) & Andy B (7),Dance Now!,Tremble Tracks,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO TP002,Tripax,Tripax Volume 2 (TP2),TriPax Records,"12""",,1997, TUFF618-12,Ruthless & Vorwerk,Power To Da Beats,Tuff Stuff,"12""",,2004 5 EURO TB 004,Coone*,The Return (Remixes),Tuning Beats,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO TV 04,Davie Forbes,Psychotic Mayhem,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", Cle",,1994, TV 08,Scott Brown,A View To The Future EP,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", EP, Blu",,1994 TV 10,DJ E-Rick & Tactic*,Satanic Tunes,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", Bro",,1995 TV 12,Technosis,Eyes Of A Maniac E.P.,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", EP, Yel",,1995, TV 14,Inner Destruction,Blood Suckin' M. F.,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", Lig",,1995, 5 EURO TV 18,"2 Men, 2 White Coats And An Asylum",On A Roll E.P.,Twisted Vinyl,"12"", EP",,1995, 5 EURO UNM 001,Hardcore Element vs. Bad News,Tell The DJ,Undercover Mafia,"12""",,1997, UC 294,Various,The Arena EP,Underground Construction,"12"", EP",,1998, 5 EURO UHMR005,Various,Raving Nightmare - Face The Future,Underground House Movement,"12'' 2007 UHMR06,Various,Raving Nightmare - Fractured Minds,Underground House Movement,"12""",,2008, UD1,Sandman (4),Can Can Party,Universal Dance Records,"12""",,1996, USA 1137,Wax,Magic Energy,USA Import Music,"12""",,1992 USA 1138,Test II*,Distorience,USA Import Music,"12""",,1992, VHU 002,Da Beatblower,Fuck Your S Off,Very Hard Unresistable,"12""",,1995, VHU 004,D.J. Groovy*,Shake It,Very Hard Unresistable,"12""",,1995, 5 EURO VHU 005,DJ Lancinhouse Meets The Stunned Guys,A Hundred Reasons To Blow You Away,Very Hard Unresistable,"12""",,1995, VHU 006,Koll Killers*,Spiky E.P.,Very Hard Unresistable,"12"", EP",,1996, VHU 007,Naughty Boys,Innocent Amusement E.P.,Very Hard Unresistable,"12"", EP",,1996 VHU 008,Miss Groovy,Rough And Tough E.P.,Very Hard Unresistable,"12"", EP",,1996, VHU 009,"Ralphie Dee Meets Kool Killers, The*",Brooklyn/Brescia Connection E.P.,Very Hard Unresistable,"12"", EP",,1997 VHR 02,Sequencer (2),Seqstyle,VHR,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO VINCE 001,DJ Vince,V-Ruz,Vince Records,"12""",,1997, VIP 011,Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo,Wonderfull Days / Wonderfull Days / Motherfuck / Speedcity,VIP Records (3),"12""",,2007, VIP 012,Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo,"Live At London / 1,2,3 For Germany / The Bird / Rebel",VIP Records (3),"12""",,2007, VIP 013,Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo,DJ Fuck / Tiroler Kaboemsch / Ultimate Sextrack / Verrotted,VIP Records (3),"12""",,2007, VB 001,"Viper, The",Blow Da Club Down,Viper Beatz,"12""",,2006 WA 006,Binum,Chapter One,Warez Audio,"12""",,2003, 5 EURO WA 014,Dark System,Let None Survive,Warez Audio,"12""",,2004, 5 EURO WACLA001,Various,Warez Classic Vol.1,Warez Audio,"12""",,2006, 5 EURO WAS(12)001,DJ Zicem,Can You Hear This Fucking Beat?,Wasted Vinyl,"12""",,1996, 5 EURO WAS(12)002,DJ Rico & DJ Cain,We Are Family,Wasted Vinyl,"12""",,1997, 5 EURO WAX 000,DJ Waxweazle vs. DJ Promo*,Fixxxed,Waxweazle,"12""",,1997, WAX 020,Chico Chipolata,No More Happy Hardcore,Waxweazle,"12"", Pic",,1996, WAXSP001,DJ Waxweazle,Special Edition Volume 1,Waxweazle,"12"", Whi",,1996, "WAXSP004, 07001495",Maurizio Braccagni,Mosquito (The Remixes),"Waxweazle, ID","12""",,1998, WHITE 006,DJ Jordens,Old School EP,White Label (2),"12"", EP" WL 003,Renata Ricciardi,The Lonely Looney E.P.,White Label (2),"12"", EP, Promo, Ltd",,1997, WL 004,Renata Ricciardi,Return Of A Remix,White Label (2),"12""",,1997, BOMB 0703-6,DJ Mystery (3),Spring Break,X-clusive B.O.M.B.,"12""",,2007, 5 EURO XLT 17,"Prodigy, The",What Evil Lurks,XL Recordings,"12""",,1991, XLT 26,"Prodigy, The",Everybody In The Place,XL Recordings,"12""",,1992, XLXV 1506,"Prodigy, The",Charly,XL Recordings,"12""",,2004, ZOO 027,DJ Basik,Basik Beats 2,Zoo Records (Belgium),"12""",,2007, 5 EURO ZJ001,Zware Jongens / Le Champ-E-On* & Le Buzz De La Fuzz*,O.S.B. 4 Life,Zware Jongens,"12""",4,2005, |
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