Hierbij bied ik mijn vinyl collectie aan (341 stuks).Deze collectie heb ik gedurende een periode van vele jaren verzameld en veel plezier aan beleefd.Helaas wegens andere prioriteiten ben ik genoodzaakt hier nu afstand van te doen.De collectie bevat platen van zo'n beetje alle bekende labels en bijna altijd de eerste druk (zie lijst).De collectie verkeerd in zeer goede staat.Natuurlijk is er de gebruikelijke slijtage aan sommige hoezen en bevatten sommige lp's gebruikerssporen, maar het overgrote deel verkeerd in prima staat en elke plaat is zeer goed speelbaar.De collectie mag weg voor een vaste prijs van 1250 euro.De actuele waarde ligt momenteel een stuk hoger en heeft mij natuurlijk veel meer gekost, dus sla nu je slag.Bezichtigen en afspelen is natuurlijk mogelijk op afspraak. Rave Creator & Mover, The - Classic Hardcore Vol. 1 (ACA2017 Productions - A2017.C01/12) Tschabos - Und Die Bass Ist Oberlaut (Acardipane Records - ACA 005/12) Various - Lost 2001 Classics - Volume1 (Acardipane Records - ACA011/12) Terror Positive vs. Bayno DJ - Hell's Raving (Aeon Tracks - AEON 004) System 3 - Here We Come (Aeon Tracks - AEON 021) Crime Lab Meets Alex Bunkerfreak - The Final Sunset (Aeon Tracks - AEON 024 Cosmic Freebooter - Double Zero (Aeon Tracks - AEON 027) Various - Aeoncore The Allstars E.P. Vol. 2 (Aeon Tracks - AEON 030) James Daltan - Hallucinator EP (Aussie Records - AS 003) Black Knight - What's Up S*ckers (Babyboom Records - BABY 036 Scotchman, The - Happy Vibes (Babyboom Records - BABY 002) Viper, The - X-Terminate (Babyboom Records - BABY 043) Klangwerk (2) - Fireman (Baccardi's - B 4003) Water Pistol - Squirt / Splash (Bass Generator Records - GTX 011) MIC* - Bounce, Bounce, Bounce (Bass Generator Records - GTX 015) A.S.R. (2) - Vortex / Overture (Bass Generator Records - GTX 021) DJ Lunatic & Miss Hysteria* / Partyraiser meets Scrape Face - Hoodoo EP (Bassmachine Records - Bass-004) Ki-Real - Virus (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 001) Ferox & Ki-Real - Claim Ur Prize (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 002) Ferox & Ki-Real - The Warning (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 04) Ferox & Ki-Real - Damn People (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 05) Bionic Commanders (2) / Ferox - All Good, All Right (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 06) Prowler vs. Archetype (2) - Il Futuro Rimodellato - Il Futuro È Ora (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 07) Various - Bionic Conspiracy (Part 1 Of 2) (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 09) Ophidian & Tapage - Phataa Diin God E.P. (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 11) Nexes - Angry By Default (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 014) Scythe (2) vs. Necrid - A Kingdom Divided (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 015) Wishmaster, The - Ground Pressure (Bionic Recordings - BIONIC 016) Odyssee - Pure Flow (Bloody Cow - BC 097) Dr. Phil Omanski - Feeling EP (BZRK Records - BZRK 004) Bertocucci Feranzano & Tony Salmonelli - Daddy Snow E.P (BZRK Records - BZRK 011) Menace II Society vs. Kid Morbid - Definition Of The End (BZRK Records - BZRK 036) Various - Bzrk Anniversary Trilogy Part. 3 (BZRK Records - BZRKAN 3) DJ Promo* - Not 4 Sale E.P. (Bzrk Records Black Label - BBL 007) Various - Cardiac Platinum Collection 03 (Cardiac Platinum Collection - CPC 003) DJ Nosferatu* - Enemy Of The State (Cardiac Platinum Collection - CPC 005) Various - Cardiac Platinum Collection 09 (Cardiac Platinum Collection - CPC 009) Catscan - Not Revolutionized (Catscan LTD, Catscan LTD, Catscan LTD - LTD.013, LTD-013, 16113018) Catscan - The Daylight Burn (Catscan LTD, Catscan LTD, Pro Artist Management - LTD.007, LTD-007, PAM 4) Placid K - G Member (Choose Or Lose Records - COL 005) Entity & Slam - Out Of Gravity E.P. (Choose Or Lose Records - COL 016 Various - Combined Revenge 001 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 001) Various - Combined Revenge 002 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 002) Various - Combined Revenge 003 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 003) Various - Combined Revenge 004 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 004) Various - Combined Revenge 005 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 005 Various - Combined Revenge 008 (Combined Forces Revenge - SORL CR 008) Various - Opposing Forces - Raving Nightmare EP (Coolman Records - CM 032) DJ The Joeker - Lucky Punk E.P. (Coolman Records - CM 038) Ibex (2) - Powers Of Bright Darkness (Coolman Records - CM 039) DJ Kristof vs. Bad Boy - Reqium For A Dream (Coolman Records - CM 040) DJ Kristof & Bad Boy* - The Remixes (Coolman Records - CM 042) Pan Pangenetor - Final Fantasy (Coolman Records - COOLMAN 036) Catscan - My First Response (Cr8tiv Response - CR8T001) Ravemasters - Wake Up! E.P. (D-Boy Black Label - DB 046) Various - D-Boy Gold Vol. 3 (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl DB 090) Placid K - Steal-N-Beats E.P. (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl DB 094) MC Rage - Outlaw (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl DB 106) Armageddon Project - Individuality Control Black Magic (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl DB 108) Wishmaster, The - Slave Of The Empire EP (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl-DB 114 Dark Souls - Maniac Of A Dancefloor (D-Boy Black Label - Sorl-DB 145) Noize Suppressor - Bring Da Noize! (D-Boy Black Label, D-Boy Black Label - Sorl-DB 133, Sorl DB 133) Rave Creator - Into Sound (Dance Ecstasy 2001 - DE 2056) Bald Terror - 2 Seconds To Live (Darkside - DARKSIDE 1) Skeeta vs Hellfish - Glass Eye Firearm (Deathchant - Deathchant 46) Bryan Fury - Bloud In Blood Out (Remix) / Death Be Not Proud (Deathchant - Deathchant 47) Sub-Liminal - Get Higher (Deep Bass Trance - D.B.T. MIN - 13) Negative-A - Suck My Dick (DNA Tracks - DNA 003 Negative A* - Fucked On Cocaine (DNA Tracks - DNA011) Negative A* - White Fluids Of DNA (DNA Tracks - DNA016) Various - 4 Elements E.P. (DNA Tracks - DNA029 E-Noid - E-Scapism (DNA Tracks - DNA030) Negative A* & Darkcontroller / E-Noid - DNA Most Wanted (DNA Tracks - DNASP-1) Stunned Guys* Feat. DJ Buby, DJ Maxx & DJ Giangy - Musica Nevrotica (Do It Yourself Entertainment - DIY 95013) Stingray & Sonicdriver - As Cold As Ice (Dwarf Records - DWARF 012) Warlock - Delirious (Dwarf Records - DWARF014) DJ Bountyhunter - Klang Klang (E-Core Traxx - ASG/EC 001) Knightvision & D'Spyre / Nosferatu - Apocalypse / Raythered (Enzyme K7 - ENZYME K7 01) Nexes - X-Plore / Futuristic Elements (Enzyme K7 - ENZYME K7 03) Hamunaptra - Neon Genesis Part 1 (Yataaah!) / The Art Of Suffering (Enzyme K7 - ENZYME K7 04) Synapse (2) / Seizure* - Renoised Sine / Pneumatic Transmission (Enzyme K7 - ENZYME K7 05) Nosferatu - Never Met Equals (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 021) Endymion - Chains Of Commitment (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 022) Hamunaptra - Rise (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 023) Ophidian - Rhythmic Philosophy (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 03) Various - Future Prophets (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 06) Weapon X - The Harder They Come (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 08) Meagashira - Faraday Transactions (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 09) Various - A Gathering Of Styles (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 10) Endymion - Catalysed Reactions Part 1 (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 11) Endymion - Limited Reactions (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 111213) Endymion - Catalysed Reactions Part 2 (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 12) Endymion - Catalysed Reactions Part 3 (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 13) Mindustries - Deus Ex Machina (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 14) Meagashira - Les Mélodies Chic (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 15) DJ Nosferatu* - Deadly Force Is Authorized (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 16) Weapon X - Objectives Of Hate (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 17) Ophidian - A Place Called Yesterday (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 18X) Various - A Gathering Of Styles Part 02 (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 20) Sei2ure - Illusion Of Safety (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 24) Ruffneck* & Ophidian / Nosferatu & Endymion - 5 Years Of Enzyme Records (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 25) Weapon X - Money Is Power (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 26) Nosferatu - Enemy Of The State II - A Mind Less Ordinary (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 28) Various - A Gathering Of Styles Part 03 (Enzyme Records - ENZYME 30) Outside Agency, The - Screaming Phoenix VIP (Enzyme VIP - EOV5) Ophidian - Butterfly V.I.P. / Hammerhead V.I.P. (Enzyme VIP - EXV2) Various - The Fucked Up Edition (Enzyme X - ENZYME X 13) Scott Brown - Hardcorevolution Sampler Part 1 (Evolution Records - EV 67) Club* & T.N.T. - The Sequel III (Nanana) / Ass In The Air (European Rave Records - ERR.9514-5) Scott Brown - The Saga Continues / How Else Can I Say It (Evolution Records - EV 66) Taciturne - Potpourri E.P. (Fischkopf Hamburg - fisch008) Elite Forces - Stress Your Brain (Forze Records - FORZE 030) Nightstalkers - Evil Shit (Forze Records - FORZE 12) DJ Paul* And Teenage Warning - Brohymn (This One's For You!) (Forze Records - Forze 13) Hard Creation - Bastard / Asshole (Forze Records - FORZE 24) Scott Brown - King Of The Beats (Forze Records - FORZE 25) Scott Brown - Joints To Rock (Forze Records - Forze 27) Forze DJ Team - A New Beginning (Forze Records - FORZE 8) Rave Nation - Going Crazy (Forze Records - FORZE4) Scott Brown Meets Paul Elstak - Feel The Music (Forze Records, Forze Records - Forze 3, FORZE 3) Elite Forces - Fear Of Death (Forze Records, Forze Records - FORZE28, FORZE 028) Molella - Originale Radicale Musicale (Gabberkings Records - GEK 002) Whatman - Dirty Law (Gauss Records - GAUSS 01) Outside Agency, The - There Can Be Only None (Genosha Recordings - GEN 001) Scott Brown - Cool Please Brother (Goblins Records - GBS-004) 3 Da Hard Way - Original Rude Boyz (H2OH Recordings - H2O15) DJ Anas - D@ Mystery (H2OH Recordings - H2O52) Omar Santana vs. Javi Boss - Causing Hysteria (H2OH Recordings - H2O58) DJ Earmack - Look At This E.P. (Hardcore Blasters - HM 2723) DJ Earmack - The Russian E.P. (Hardcore Blasters - HM 2728) Nitrogenetics - True Rebel E.P. (Hardcore Blasters - HM 2755) Future Shock (2) - Really Strange (Hellraiser Records - 90022) Evil Sons, The - The People Are Dying (HSC Records - SORL-HSC 030) DJ Hypertech - Representing Hardcore (HSC Records - SORL-HSC XX1) Promo - Metal Warfare (ID&T - 7001635 / FILE:002) Promo - System Feedback (ID&T - 7001645 / FILE:003) Promo - Driven By Instinct (ID&T - 7001655 / FILE:004) Promo - Patterns In Chaos (ID&T - 7001665 / FILE:005) Promo - The Industry Can't Stop Me (ID&T - 7001675 / FILE:006) Cixx vs. Vinyl Junk, The - The Tough Guys (ID&T - NL 009099) 3 Steps Ahead - It's Delicious (ID&T - NL 9280) Zero Six Project - Motherfuckin' DJ (Impulse Records - IR002) Angelic Square - Make Some Noise (Impulse Records - IR011) T-Factor - The Hardest (Impulse Records - IR012) Nuclear Device - L.O.S.T. U B.O.Y.Z. (Impulse Records - IR013) D-Passion - Kind Of Rude (Industrial Movement - IM002) Manga Corps - The Hunter Remixes (Industrial Strength Limited - ISL 12) DJ Jappo And Lancinhouse* - Exlxaxl (Original Hardcore Remixes) (Industrial Strength Limited - ISL 11) Lenny Dee - The Dreamer (Industrial Strength Limited - ISL 14) Jappo And Lancinhouse* - Real Motherfuckers EP (Industrial Strength Limited - ISL RP P4) Disciples Of Annihilation - Industrial Power '9d4 (Industrial Strength Records - IS024) Rotterdam Terror Corps - Hardcore Motherfuckers (Inferno Records - INF 013) Scott Brown - Hardcore Power (Inferno Records - INF 014 Dark Side, The - Beats & Riffs 1 (Italian Steel - ITS 004) GT-Sampler - GT-Sampler E.P. (Jolly Roger Records - JR 1) D.J. Charly Lownoise & D.J. Mental Theo* - Tears E.P. (Master Maximum Records - MM 1006) Omar Santana - EP (Master Maximum Records, Master Maximum Records - MM 1017, MM1017) DJ Outblast - Eardrumz (Masters Of Hardcore - M.O.H. 017) DJ Delirium - Guess Who's Back ? (Masters Of Hardcore - M.O.H. 018) Bass-D & King Matthew vs. Re-Style - Land Of Hardcore (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 028) Bass-D & King Matthew - Fuck Them All (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 033) Drokz & Tafkat - The Inner Crisis EP (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 36 Various - Sicks Pack Part II (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 38) Various - Unleash The Beast (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 40) Angerfist - Raise Your Fist EP (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 41) Bass D & King Matthew* - The Genesis (Masters Of Hardcore 2006 Anthem) (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH 50) Base Alert / DJ Outblast / MC Syco - The Underground Vendetta (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH SP 11) Digital Boy vs. Outblast* - Be 4 Real E.P. (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH034) Angerfist - Breakin' Down Society EP (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH035) Various - Sickspack (Masters Of Hardcore - MOH37) Distortion* & MC R.A.W. vs. Bass-D & King Matthew - Raveworld (Megarave Records - MRV 002) Dr. Z-Vago - The Bone Breaker (Megarave Records - MRV 061) Various - Hellraiser...Evil...Deadly...Immortal... (Megarave Records - MRV065) DJ Dione - The Storm (Megarave Records - MRV066) Various - Members Of Megarave 2003 (Megarave Records - MRV067) Headbanger* vs. Alienator* - The Remixes (Megarave Records - MRV071) Dione* - I Grab My Nine (Megarave Records - MRV074) Headbanger* vs. Delirium* - Round 2 (Megarave Records - MRV076) Various - Megarave Records Classics (Megarave Records - MRV079) Dione* - Remixes And Refixes (Megarave Records - MRV088) DJ Partyraiser* & Triax* - Assassins Remixes (Megarave Records - MRV098) Alienator* vs. Headbanger* Featuring Alee* & Ruffian* - This Is War (Megarave Records - MRV 040) Nightraver, The & DJ Trevor - The Revolution (Mid-Town Records - MID 91144) Various - Dutch House Anthems Part One (Mid-Town Records - MID 91150) Despairful Tomorrow - And Hell Followed (Mokum Records - MOK 100) DJ Chosen Few* - Name Of The DJ (The Nystagmus 2004 Remixes) (Mokum Records - MOK 101) Rob Gee & Ralphie Dee - Sex Drugs And Gabba House (Mokum Records, Mokum Records - MOK 55, DB 1758 6) Hard Creation - I Will Have That Power (Neophyte Records - NEO 002) DJ Neophyte And Scott Brown* - This One Is For You (Neophyte Records - NEO 009) Tha Playah - Hit 'Em (Neophyte Records - NEO 016) Masters Of Ceremony - Know Your Enemy (Neophyte Records - NEO 017) Evil Activities vs. Chaosphere - State Of Emergency (Neophyte Records - NEO 018) Various - Neophyte Records Sampler Vol. 2 (Neophyte Records - NEO 020) Evil Activities - Dedicated (To Those Who Tried To Hold Me Down) (Neophyte Records - NEO 021) Tha Playah - Fuckin' Weird Titties & Clits (Neophyte Records - NEO 030) DJ Neophyte vs. Evil Activities - One Of These Days (Neophyte Records - NEO023) Evil Activities - Back On Track (Neophyte Records - NEO024) Evil Activities & DJ Panic - Never Fall Asleep (Neophyte Records - NEO027) Tha Playah - The Rule Of Cool (Neophyte Records - NEO028) Hard Creation - Creators Of The Core (Neophyte Records - NEO031) Masters Of Ceremony - Bottoms Up (Neophyte Records - NEO032) Tha Playah - I Call Tha Shots (Neophyte Records - NEO033) Tha Playah - Weird Shit (Neophyte Records, Neophyte Records - Neo 019, Neo 19) Phenomenia* - Who Is Elvis? '99 (No Respect Records - NRR063) Paul Elstak - Offensive Floorkillaz - Volume 1 (Offensive Records - OFF-SP 001) Hardcore Fundamentalists - They Want To Kill Me (Offensive Records - OFF011) Noize Suppressor - Reanimation (Noize Records - NR-001) Hardcore Fundamentalists - They Want To Kill Me (Offensive Records - OFF011) Paul Elstak vs. Adrien* - You Wanna Battle (Offensive Records - OFF014) Paul Elstak vs Dione* - Here Comes The Prozac (Offensive Records - OFF017) Paul Elstak vs. Tommyknocker - Danger Danger (Offensive Records - OFF018) DJ Outblast vs. Dr. Z-Vago - Hardcore Zone E.P. (Overload Records - OR 000) Dr. Macabre - Dr. Macabre's Ghost Stories Chapter 1 (Power Plant, Power Plant - pow. 003) Catscan - End Of Tomorrow (Pro Artist Management - PAM 001) Catscan - Analogue Failure (Pro Artist Management, Catscan LTD, Catscan LTD - PAM 012 ) Psykopunk - The Real Psyko (Psykopunk - PSYK 002) Deathsquad - Purgatory Pleasure II (Purgatory Records (Holland) - PRNL-003) Triax* - Unlocked Demons E.P. (Rage Records (5) - RAGE 003 Blaster, The - Atomic Burst E.P. (Randy 909 % Records - R909H 03) DJ K.2.* - Oblivian E.P. (Rave Records, Rave Records - RAVE 52nd, RAVE 52) Rave Maniacs - Throw Down The Beat (Rave Tracks - RT 003) Inferno Brothers* - Slaves To The Rave (Red Alert - RED 014) Various - Cold Rush Records E.P. (Red Alert - RED 022) Rave Inc. - Flashback E.P. (Red Level Records - RLR 9402) Revolution Team Vs Snake, The - Let's Drum The Boomstick (Revolution Records - REV 005 Bald Terror - Rotterdam (Rotterdam Records - ROT 018) Short Circuit - Fuck Me (Rotterdam Records - ROT 028) Hardliners - Pikke Poeli Mellow (Rotterdam Records - ROT 031 DJ Paul Elstak* - Rainbow In The Sky (Rotterdam Records - ROT 046) Neophyte - Execute (Rotterdam Records - ROT 050) DJ Paul Elstak* - The Promised Land (Rotterdam Records - ROT 052) DJ Rob & MC Joe - The Beat Is Flown (Remixes) (Rotterdam Records - ROT 053) Short Circuit - No Experiment (Rotterdam Records - ROT 056) Neophyte vs Stunned Guys* - Get This Motherfucker (Rotterdam Records - ROT 058) Deathlok Hardcore Team - Men Of The Law (Rotterdam Records - ROT 081) DJ Neophyte vs. Scott Brown* - Black Magic (Rotterdam Records - ROT 086) Sinergy - Don't Stop (Rotterdam Records - ROT 087) DJ Neophyte vs. Viper, The - Got 2 B Original (Rotterdam Records - ROT 089) DJ Niel - In The Darkness (Rotterdam Records - ROT 091) De Klootzakken - Dominee Dimitri 2004 (Rotterdam Records - ROT 093) Elite Forces - Our World (Rotterdam Records - ROT 096) Evil Activities & Viper, The - Project: Hardcore (Rotterdam Records - ROT 90) Various - Rotterdam Records 100 (Rotterdam Records - ROT100 Headbanger, The - The Third Torture (Rotterdam Records, Rotterdam Records - ROT 76, Rot76) Various - DJ Rob's Old School Classics Limited Edition Volume 1 (Rotterdam Records Classics - RC001) Bald Terror - Drummachine Remixes (Rotterdam Records Classics - RC002) Various - DJ Panic Presents "Early Rave Classics" Volume 2 (Rotterdam Records Classics - RC009) Various - Old School Classics Limited Edition Volume 4 (Rotterdam Records Classics - RC010) Neophyte - Real Hardcore (Rotterdam Records Special - ROTSP 02) Comababy - Nice'n Nasty (Ruffneck Records - RUF 027-5) Juggernaut - Ruffneck Rules Da Artcore Scene !!! (Ruffneck Records - RUF 042R-5) Juggernaut - Got 2B A Ruffneck ! (Ruffneck Records - RUF042-5) Razzle Dazzle Trax - Rattlebrain (Samurai Records - SAMU 014 Tellurians* - Spirit Of Adventure (The Remix E.P.) (See Saw - SW 92012) Simstim - Unknown Directions (Simstim - SIMSTIM 002) Buzz Fuzz - "Hardcore Buzz" Selected By Buzz Fuzz (So-Real Records - SO RL 001) DJ Freak - AKA Noise Emission EP (Storm Records Scotland - WAR003) Endorphin - They Came At Night... (Supreme Intelligence - SIN 2-5) Endymion - Recumbent DNA String Exponent (Supreme Intelligence - SIN 3-5) Lord Hostile - Arise (Terror Traxx - TT 51) Darrien Kelly & Scott Brown - Koppensneller E.P. (Terror Traxx - TT17) Prophet, The - Housetime! (Test Crash Records - TEST 001) Prophet, The & DJ Delirium - We ♥ 2 Party (Test Crash Records - TEST 003) Controllers, The - Testcrashin' (Test Crash Records - TEST 008) Jee Beat Squad - Semzer Sounds & Neurobengel Noise (Test Crash Records - TEST 010) Promo & Armageddon Project - Diamonds For The Pigs (The Third Movement - T3RDM 0095 Beastmachines / DJ Promo* - Whiplash / Phreak Ya Speaka (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00003) Promo - My Recipe For Disaster (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00006) Promo - Different Breed Of Men (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00009) Promo / Korsakoff - Hurricane Brain / Separated World (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00011) Catscan - My Region (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00016) Catscan - The World Is Mine (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00020) Promo / Korsakoff - Message To The Majors / Tamara (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00023) Promo + Korsakoff - Pressure On The Fakes / My Empty Bottle (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00032) Catscan - Be Unforgettable (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00037) D-Passion - Fuck The Free World (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00038) X-Ess* & Catscan - La Haine (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00039) Osiris (3) - Destroy All Humans (The Third Movement - T3RDM-00040) Various - Human Demolition Part 3 (The Third Movement - T3RDM0053) T-Junction - The Rise And Fall (The Third Movement - T3RDM0067 D-Passion - Wake Up And Become (The Third Movement - T3RDM0073) Promo - Promofile Classic 001 - Dancefloor Hardcore (The Third Movement - T3RDM0081) Promo - Promofile Classic 003 - System Feedback (The Third Movement - T3RDM0083 Various - Demolition Part 6 (The Third Movement - T3RDM0089) D-Passion - Put Things Right (The Third Movement - T3RDM0092) Various - Six Years Of Dedication (The Third Movement - T3RDM0100) Various - Demolition Part 8 (The Third Movement - T3RDM0120) Promo - Gold Series 1 (The Third Movement - T3RDM0122) Various - Demolition Part 9 (The Third Movement - T3RDM0131) Promo - Take It Personal (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM 0054, T3RDM-0054) Promo - Original Thinker (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM 0106, T3RDM-0106) Promo - Silence Is Dangerous (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM 0118, T3RDM-0118) G-Shock / Zekt - Escape From The Hostile (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM-00012) Promo - Brother Of Conflict (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM-00019, T3RDM 00019) Promo - The Strength Behind The Pride (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM-00029, ) Various - Design The Future (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM-00030, T3RDM 00030) Promo - Running Against The Rules (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM0001, T3RDM-00001) Various - Industrial Demolition (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM0047, T3RDM-0047) Promo - The Revolutionist II (The Third Movement, The Third Movement - T3RDM0108, T3RDM108) DJ Bike / Noize Suppressor - Bike's Drum / Redroom (Total Hardcore Records - TH004) Core Pusher - Devil Down (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0023) Stunned Guys, The & DJ Paul* - Thrillseeka (The New Millenium Remixes) (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0024) Art Of Fighters - Pussy Lovers (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0035) Tommyknocker - T-2002 (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0036) Art Of Fighters - Earthquake (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0038) DJ Lancinhouse Meets The Stunned Guys - Shout (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0039) Tommyknocker - Showtime (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0041) DJ Mad Dog - Boom And Shake Up (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0043) Core Pusher - Core Pusher Anthem (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0045) Viper, The & Tommyknocker Feat. MC Da Mouth Of Madness* - The Prophecy Unfolds (Trxtr Records - TRAX 0049) Art Of Fighters - Game Don't Stop (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0053) Stunned Guys, The & DJ Paul* - Thrillseeka - Remixing Project 2 (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0054) Stunned Guys, The - You Will Survive (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0057) Stunned Guys, The / Tommyknocker / DJ Mad Dog - Our Thing E.P. Part 2 (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0059) Tommyknocker - Domination (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0060) Art Of Fighters & Tommyknocker - Follow Me (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0064) DJ Mad Dog - Dangerous (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0065) Tommyknocker - Learn From The Pain (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 0068) Stunned Guys, The - Element 3 (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 9913) Art Of Fighters - The Beat Can't Change (Traxtorm Records - TRAX 9919) Various - Traxtorm Revamped 001 (Traxtorm Records Revamped - TRRV 001) Various - Traxtorm Revamped 005 (Traxtorm Records Revamped - TRRV 005) Meccano Twins - Sinapse (Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition - TRSE 14) Meccano Twins - Thelastrelease (Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition - TRSE15) Unexist & Tommyknocker - Step Into Our World (Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition - TRSE19) Meccano Twins - Brain: Left Side (Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition - TRSE20) Various - Raving Nightmare EP - Stygmatized - Devastation (Underground House Movement - UHMR001) Tommyknocker / DJ Producer, The Featuring MC Justice - Raving Nightmare - Nocturnal Rituals (UHMR02) Koll Killers* - Spiky E.P. (Very Hard Unresistable - VHU 6) Rexanthony / Test - For You Marlene / Overdub (VIP Classics, VIP Classics - VIPCLASSICS-1003,) Joe Inferno / Dilemma (2) - Hysteria / Erase Your Mind (VIP Classics, VIP Classics - VIPCLASSICS-1008) 4-Nu-Tek / J'N'J - The Universe / The Ballet (VIP Classics, VIP Classics - VIPCLASSICS-1019,) Chosen Few - Name Of The DJ (Vip Records (3) - VIP 005) Chosen Few - Chosen Paradise (Vip Records (3) - VIP 007) DJ Waxweazle meets DJ Delirium - The Mantis Goes Rotterdam Vol. 1 (Waxweazle - WAX 010) Chico Chipolata - No More Happy Hardcore (Waxweazle - WAX 020) DJ Waxweazle - Special Edition Volume 1 (Waxweazle - WAX SP 001) Promo - Mad-Donna (XXX Rated - XXX 1007) DJ Niel - Under My Skin (Zero Tolerance - Z-T 001) Dyewitness - Masterplan (ZYX Music - ZYX 7892-12) |
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